Riddle and Rhyme

Dusk to Dawn, Death to Birth

What beauty radiates from Him.
Even in darkness that light is not dim.
As stars who shimmer in the night,
As clouds billowing from great height,
So is His glory delightfully mysterious

Brilliance that makes me delirious.
Perplexity and enigma shrouds His work,
From dusk to dawn, death to birth.
But at last clarity has broken in.
Joy and love have donned a grin.
- 26/09/2012

Problem to Heart, Death to Glory

All our 'Christianity' is like filthy rags.
As pleasing to God as he who ever nags.
Religiousness does not please God's heart.
Our external hypocrisy is but the devil's art.
Many church-going bible-reading religious folk
Will be reduced on That Day to naught but smoke
But God is merciful to the humble and lowly and weak
From His heart pours gentleness to the abused and meek.

He sent His Son to pay it all.
On Jesus Christ God's Wrath did fall.
He drank the cup of pain and was afflicted.
The death he died just can't be fairly depicted.

In Him is all Truth, Science and Revelation
Step out and touch the King who swallowed Damnation.
- 26/09/2012

Seeds that Spread Like Fire
A dancing spark
In darkened park
Alights on branches
Fire thus prances
The tree in flames
No man now tames
The forest bright
Fury in the night
The world now on fire
Burning ever higher

Where Men Die

I am a place where men come to die.
And if they do not, they live life a lie.
If they carry me not from earth to sky,
They'll never find rest, but ever heave a sigh.
The question now stands as thus: who am I?

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