Friday, August 24, 2012

Jesus Christ, the Light that Is.

In the beginning God made the Heavens and the Earth. The Earth was chaotic and void, and darkness covered its depths. But the Spirit of God hovered over the surface of the waters, and said "Let light shine out of darkness." And light shone. 
- Genesis 1:1-3

Do you realize that the first three verses of the Bible depict an empty man being filled with the Light of Christ? Look at these verses again, but let's replace "Heavens" and "Earth" with "man," and "Light" with the true light, Jesus.

In the beginning, God made a man. The man was chaotic and empty, and darkness filled him. But the Spirit of God came near to the darkness which filled him, and said, "Let Jesus shine out of this darkness." And Jesus shone.

Genesis 1:1-3 depicts the most miraculous event in the history of time.
God takes the Earth, being covered with water, twisted and empty, and lets shine the light of the Sun.
And so God takes man, being covered with sin, wretched and void, and lets shine the light of the Son.

See Chapter 1: Light, The Gospel in Genesis

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